Meet The Niche Manager – Quantitative Managers

Peltz International is pleased to announce a new seminar series – Meet the Niche Manager.

Investors will have an opportunity to meet managers they may not be familiar with. Investors will have an opportunity to see the manager in action, thinking on his feet, discussion critical issues relative to the specific strategy.

“Niche’ is defined as an alternative investment strategy that is not used by many managers. It may relate to the methodology used and/or the markets tradede. In many cases, the correlation to traditional investments will be low.

8:15-8:30     Registration

8:30-9:45     Panel discussion, critical issues relating to the strategy

9:45-10:25    Individual strategy highlights

10:25-11:00  Informal networking


January 26 – Quantitative managers

February 22 – Bitcoin/Blockchain managers

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Speakers: (in alphabetical order by last name)

Frank Lortscher, Subset Capital

Richard Oberuc, Chapoquot Separately Managed Accounts

Philip Simotas, ROW Asset Management

John “Morgan” Slade, Cloud Quant

Thomas Zucosky, Discovery Capital (Moderator)

Speakers (Click for More Info):