John “Morgan” Slade, CloudQuant Capital Mgt

CloudQuant Capital Mgt

CEO/Chief Investment Officer-CloudQuant Capital Management

Morgan has over 20 years of experience as a trader, portfolio manager, executive and entrepreneur in the financial services industry. He is the CEO and Chief Investment Officer of CloudQuant Capital Management LLC (, a crowd-researcher powered quantitative investment fund, with an impressive six-year track record, utilizing machine learning and other artificial intelligence research techniques to generate returns.

Morgan’s career has included leading roles as a Portfolio Manager, and executive of several of the world’s largest hedge funds, investment banks and CTAs. These include Millburn Ridgefield, Merrill Lynch, Carlson Capital LP, Penson Worldwide, Citadel Investment Group, Allston Trading and Wolverine Securities. His proven track record in quantitative investing, portfolio management and risk management made him ideal to lead the CloudQuant initiatives.