Matthew F. Erskine, JD
Matthew Erskine is the managing partner of Erskine & Erskine LLC, a fourth generation law firm, and The Erskine Company, LLC, a consulting firm. He focuses on strategic planning and legal services for business owners, professionals, individuals, families, collectors, and inheritors of unique assets. Helping his clients and their families solve their problems through customized estate, tax and management solutions.
Matt has a particular expertise in the stewardship of unique assets that few other estate planning and trust attorneys or family offices can match. Working with collectors of coins, fine art, jewelry, heirlooms, and other valuable assets, as well as owners of real estate and family businesses, Matt brings his and his family’s generations of experience and intimate knowledge of unique areas of the law to help clients achieve their desired investment and personal goals. This includes strategic planning and execution on forming operating and non-operating foundations.
The Erskine family has been counsel to client families since 1876, overseeing estate and income taxation planning, personal trusts, dynasty trusts, private foundations, and family offices. Matt is also active in numerous community organizations in the Worcester, Massachusetts area, including the American Antiquarian Society, the Worcester Economics Club, and the John J. Kittredge Numismatic Foundation.
After graduating from Lawrence Academy, Matt received his B.A. in Medieval History from Carleton College and his J.D. from Suffolk University Law School.