Audiotape of October 13 Morning Seminar
Investors’ Guide to Understanding Quant Strategies and Quant Hybrid Managers
More investors and established managers are looking to quantitative approaches to boost returns. Fundamental firms are integrating quant techniques. The number of fundamental/quantitative hybrid managers is on the rise. This seminar addresses:
- Why the growing interest now?
- Interesting blends
- Which strategies are working now and which aren’t?
- What is hot and new in quant strategies?
- How to do due diligence on these firms?
- How to do due diligence on black box strategies?
- Advantages with quant and hybrid funds
- Pitfalls with quant and hybrid funds
- Capacity concerns
- Transparency issues
- Robustness
- commitment
- When strategies stop working, how do you know if it is a short term aberration or a long term fundamental paradigm shift?
- Outlook
Speakers: (in alphabetical order by speaker’s last name)
Mitchell Dong, Pythagoras Global Investors
Rufus Rankin, Equinox Fund Management
Phil Simotas, ROW Asset Management
Chris Solarz, Cliffwater
Lois Peltz, Peltz International (Moderator)
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